- Coupon codes - it's now easier for our online shoppers to take advantage of deals and discounts that were previously given to customers at our store front in Milwaukee, WI. We randomly post codes on our Facebook page, Twitter account and through our newsletter.
- Wishlist - you can now create an account and start a wish list
- Registry - you can create a Halo Soap registry if you are registered at WishPot.com
- MyRewards - we now have a rewards program where every dollar you spend gains points that can be used towards gift certificates for future purchases.
- Deal of the Day - we are going to start offering a Deal of this Day. This will typically be 30% off the regular price of that days item.
Our new website is a constantly changing project. Over the next few months, we will be adding our line of soy candles, Brethren of the Coast Skin Care for Men and adding to some of our existing product lines.
We will also be implementing an Affiliate program. If you have a blog or website where you'd like to make money by linking to us, please contact us if you are interested in being one of our first affiliates.